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Portfolio Management
The Department manages a range of assets and property that are owned by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport and the Commissioner of Highways.
Leasing Queries
The Portfolio Management team provides specialist asset, property and land management services related to an extensive portfolio of office accommodation, commercial, residential, road, industrial, marine or rail properties:
- If you are interested in leasing a property which The Department manages, please complete an application form.
- For short term access (must be less than 28 days) to property managed by the DIT Portfolio Assets Team, please complete a right of entry application form.
- If you wish to request an easement over portion of land owned by the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure or the Commissioner of Highways? Apply for an easement online.
Completed forms and general queries can be emailed to DIT.PropertyPortfolioAssets@sa.gov.au and the team will be in contact shortly after receiving your enquiry.
Vegetation Management
The Department holds various land parcels across the state in the name of the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport and the Commissioner of Highways. There is a scheduled attendance in place for staff and contractors to undertake inspections and planned vegetation maintenance services to various parcels each year.
If you believe a parcel of land managed by the portfolio assets team requires further review for vegetation management, please contact our Property Services Help Desk on Telephone: 08 7133 2802 or via email at propertyserviceshelpdesk@sa.gov.au.
*Please note that for vacant land, our sites will have a 5m boundary treated, increased to 20m width directly adjacent to houses as per CFS guidelines for firebreaks around dwellings*.