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Buildings - Asset and Contract Documents
Document Access
Access to historical and asset drawings [PDF]
This guide note explains the process for accessing historical and asset drawings.
All contracts and drawings are registered by The Department before being incorporated in tender documents.
All contractors engaged by The Department must comply with the ‘Electronic Document Requirements’ guidelines and ‘DIT CAD drawing title blocks’ in the preparation of documents. Non-compliant documents will not be accepted.
Electronic Document Requirements [Word Document]
Guidelines for preparation of drawings.
DIT CAD drawing title blocks [Zip]
Download the zip file containing .dwt files, .dxf and .rfa files.
SAMIS Asset Drawings
SAMIS (Strategic Asset Management Information System) site and floor plans are available, and is administered by the Across Government Facilities Management Arrangements (AGFMA).
The site plans show locations of buildings, paved areas, fences and other site elements that have associated life cycle data.
The floor plans have building and room numbers for location purposes and life cycle information.
The plans are not detailed architectural or survey plans and are produced only for asset information purposes.
Contractors engaged by AGFMA to prepare SAMIS drawings must use the 'SAMIS Asset Data Standards'. Further information and templates can be found here