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Works on Roads Undertaken by Other Organisations
Roads under care and control of the Commissioner of Highways
Arterial roads in South Australia are usually under the care and control of the Commissioner of Highways pursuant to the Highways Act 1926 (SA).
To find details of these roads, visit Roads and traffic monitoring on SA.GOV.AU's website. If organisations other than DIT propose to work on these roads, they must comply with the requirements specified on this page.
Obtain permission to carry out roadworks
Before undertaking any work on an Arterial Road, The Department must be notified.
Apply for a permit to work on the Department's roads via the Roadworks Authentication portal.
Roadworks construction adjacent to existing arterial roads
Whenever a company or other organisation wishes to construct roadworks on – or adjacent to – an existing arterial road, a formal agreement or deed with the Commissioner must be signed. This most commonly occurs when constructing access to commercial developments such as shopping centres or installing utility services.
The deed will be drafted by the Department's legal unit.
Specification for Work on Roads by Organisations Other Than the Commissioner of Highways
Organisations must comply with the DIT Specification for Work on Roads by Other Organisations when excavating and restoring an existing pavement on an arterial road (for example, to install or maintain utilities). This specification also covers temporary traffic control requirements for other roadwork.
Download the Specification for Work on Roads by Other Organisations or Companies (PDF, 324 KB).
Pavement Reinstatement Manual
Whenever excavation takes place on an arterial road, the pavement must be reconstructed according to our Pavement Reinstatement Manual.
The DIT Pavement Reinstatement Manual:
- supersedes the DPTI Pavement Reinstatement Configurations
- shall be used wherever the DPTI Pavement Reinstatement Configurations are referenced in the Master Specifications.