
When you're towing a trailer or a caravan, your car has less acceleration, and takes longer to stop.

  • Keep a bigger distance than normal from the car in front. Give yourself plenty of space to stop, in case you need to brake quickly.
  • If you have to overtake, make sure you've got enough space. It could take much longer than normal.
  • Avoid sudden lane changes, and try not to swerve. Your trailer could start to sway, and you could lose control. If this happens, stay on a steady speed until you regain control. Don’t apply your brakes unless you have to.
  • Strong winds can cause big loads, like caravans, to sway. If conditions are bad, pull over and take a break.
  • If there are lots of cars behind you, pull over and let them pass.
  • Towing can be very tiring. Share the driving if possible and take plenty of rest breaks.

For more information, please visit My Licence site.


  • If you are towing a caravan or trailer, pay special attention to the condition of the tyres. Tyres which are only used once or twice a year can become brittle and prone to blowouts/punctures. Check the tread and the sidewalls to ensure they are in sound condition.

did you

  • You can check your vehicle's GVM by looking in the vehicle handbook or asking the manufacturer's representative. The information in this section applies only to motor vehicles with a GVM of 4.5 tonnes or less. Also, when the section talks about towing a trailer, the same rules apply when towing a caravan or even another motor vehicle.